Spring Cleaning and Where to Donate

Garner and I started early on Spring cleaning this year! One problem I always run into is where to donate miscellaneous items. I feel so guilty throwing towels, swimsuits and half-empty lotions in the trash! A bad (or good depending how you look at it) thing about living in a small 1-bedroom apartment is there is no space for clutter or items you aren’t using on a daily basis. I did some research and found some amazing organizations that will happily take some of these items we don’t use enough to keep.

First let me say that you can mail some of your donations to these charities using Give Back Box. GBB is a genius idea where you can use any box you have (I mean don’t we all use Amazon?!) to donate used clothes, jewelry, etc. to a charity. They also give you a free shipping label. They separate items for you, but if you want to choose a certain charity, you do have to pay for the shipping.

Whether you use GBB or donate items yourself, here are some of my favorite organizations that will upcycle the miscellaneous things around the house. Let’s Marie Kondo our homes together and make a difference!

Clothing, Shoes + Accessories

Dress for Success

What they do: Provide interview suits and career development to low-income women in 75+ cities worldwide

What they need: Women’s business suits, professional apparel, heels/flats and accessories

Where to send: Find your nearest affiliate or host your own clothing drive

Career Gear

What they do: Provide under-served job-seeking men with training, career counseling, professional clothing and interviews

What they need: Men’s professional clothing, briefcases, ties and shoes

Where to send: Fill out this form or host a suit drive at your office


What they do: Distribute shoes to people in need in 125+ countries

What they need: All types of new or gently-used shoes

Where to send: Find a drop-off location or ship free with Zappos.


What they do: Serves 35 million people annually, provide career-training and education to those seeking jobs

What they need: Clothing, shoes, jewelry, books, games, sports gear, house items, tools, furniture, TVs. For larger items, you’ll need to call or schedule a pickup.

Where to send: Find your nearest donation center

Undergarments + Swimsuits

Bras for a Cause

What they do: Give thousands of bras and intimates to women with breast cancer

What they need: New or gently used bras, lingerie, slips, nightgowns, swimsuits, wigs, breast prosthesis

Where to send: DONATE BRA PROGRAM, 10746 Fenton Dr. Parker, AZ 85344

Wedding + Formal Attire

Becca’s Closet

What they do: Donate formal dresses to low-income teens, provide scholarships to deserving high school seniors

What they need: Formal short and long dresses, heels, costume jewelry, evening bags

Where to send: 151 N Nob Hill Rd #280, Plantation, FL 33324 or find a chapter near you

Operation Prom

What they do: Provide resources to at-risk teens; allow low-income students to attend prom at little or no cost

What they need: New or gently worn formal dresses, tuxedos, evening bags, evening jewelry

Where to send: Find your nearest drop-off location

Brides Against Breast Cancer

What they do: Advance the awareness of breast cancer and operate a wish-granting service to enable patients to make memories with loved ones

What they need: New and used wedding gowns, veils, tiaras, accessories

Where to send: Fill out this form before mailing.

Brides Across America

What they do: Gift wedding gowns and weddings to military brides in need

What they need: New or used wedding gowns, engagement rings, jewelry, special occasion gowns, veils, wedding favors, gift items

Where to send: Fill out this form before mailing.

Makeup, Hair + Beauty Products

Project Beauty Share

What they do: Provide personal hygiene, cosmetics and beauty products to nonprofits who serve women/families overcoming addiction, homelessness and poverty.

What they need: Slightly used makeup, makeup brushes that have been cleaned, hairdryers, straighteners, curling irons, new or slightly used hair products, perfume samples, unused floss, unused toothbrushes, unused deodorant

Where to send: 2718 E. Sprague, Spokane, WA 99202

Eyeglasses + Sunglasses

Lions Club International

What they do: Provide usable glasses to children and adults around the world

What they need: Gently-used eyeglasses and sunglasses.

Where to send: California Lions Friends in Sight, P.O. Box 7,  Beaumont, CA 92223 or find a drop-off location near you.


Operation Paperback

What they do: Provide books to troops overseas, veterans and military families

What they need: Gently-used books.

Where to send: Register here. They will provide you with a mailing address based on your book genres. You can also write a personal note since you will be directly mailing to people in need.

You can also donate books to your local library, university, Goodwill or women’s shelter.

Linens + Pet Items


What they do: Prevent animal cruelty and save animals’ lives

What they need: Sheets, towels, blankets, kennels, leashes, collars, clean pet items, unopened treats, dish-washing liquid, hand sanitizer

Where to send: Drop off at your local SPCA

Baby + Children Items, Craft Materials

Newborns in Need

What they do: Offer Newborn Immediate Kids with basic necessities to teen moms, stressed families and overwhelmed mothers

What they need: New and gently-used baby clothes, blankets, quilts, burp cloths, bottles, wipes, diapers, small toys, child Bibles, baby formula, soft fabric, thread, fiber fill, yarn, ribbon, office supplies

Where to send: Newborns in Need, 3323 Transou Road, Pfafftown, NC 27040

Office + School Supplies, Electronics

Develop Africa

What they do: Provide school supplies, scholarships, computer training, micro-finance loans, orphan care and disaster relief to Africans in need

What they need: Pencils, paper, books, backpacks, notebooks, rulers, erasers, chalk, calculators, Laptops, iPads, eReaders, colored pencils, glue sticks, pocket dictionaries, arts + craft items, branded conference bags or items

Where to send: Fill out this form before mailing.

House Decor + Furniture

Salvation Army

What they do: The proceeds from these items fund their Adult Rehabilitation Center for those struggling with drugs and alcohol.

What they need: Almost everything. Household goods, clothing, furniture, appliances.

Where to send: Schedule a free pickup or find a drop-off location near you

Habitat for Humanity

What they do: Help families build and improves places to call home

What they need: Sofas, chairs, dining tables, dressers, bed frames, filing cabinets, bookshelves, end/coffee tables

Where to send: Schedule a pickup

Sports Equipment, Games + Gift Cards

Ronald McDonald House

What they do: Keep families with sick children together and near the care and resources they need

What they need: Board games, new stuffed animals or dolls, puzzles, balls and outdoor games, canned goods, paper products (toilet paper, paper towels), cleaning products, gift cards to grocery stores or department stores, passes to local museums or sporting events

Where to send: Find your local chapter


Your local dry cleaners. We purchased all new wooden hangers in 2019 and donated our older ones to our local dry cleaners.

This article took a lot of research so if you found this helpful, please let me know in the comments below. :)

Xoxo and happy cleaning!
